Few Ways To Slow Down Aging And Look Young:



Few Ways To Slow Down Aging And Look Young:
The process of aging is natural and it isn’t something you can stop from happening. However, there are many natural ways available to slow down the aging process and look young. Here are few:
1. Drink Plenty of Water
2. Reduce Stress
3. Get a Facial done monthly
4. Exercise Regularly
5. Follow Healthy Diet.




  1. Do not keep hands on face. The bacteria on your fingers make skin problems worse.
  2. Wash your pillowcases & bed sheet once a week. Bacteria on your bedding can cause breakouts.
  3. Choose a cleanser with salicylic acid. The salicylic acid will exfoliate dead skin cells and help reduce the appearance of pores.
  4. Dry your skin with a soft towel.
  5. After washing your face, use a toner that will clean pores without stripping skin of your natural oils.
  6. Clean off makeup brushes once a week to keep bacteria from being spread.
  7. Moisturize with a face oil. While those with blemishes tend to shy away from oil, it can stop your skin from creating excess sebum, which causes breakouts.
  8. If you wash your face in the shower, be sure to wash your hair before applying a facial cleanser.
  9. If breakouts are located around your hairline, change out shampoos. Your skin might be reacting to the formula.
  10. Incorporate lots of leafy greens into your diet, as well as these other skin-clearing foods.
  11. Eliminate sugar and dairy from your diet to see if that makes a difference in your skin.
  12. Use a skin clearing mask once a week.
  13. Never go to bed without taking off your makeup.
  14. Deep clean your pores with a facial every couple of weeks.
  15. Be sure to get enough sleep each night and limit stress, which can cause skin eruptions.
  16. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  17. Exercise at least twice a week.
  18. Stay consistent with your skin routine to see the results you want.

Five Simple Rules for Healthy Life:


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1: Breathe Properly
Breathing is the most basic condition for survival. If we breathe in a right manner, we give ourselves more prana (life-force). Always breathe deeply, slowly and smoothly. This way you relieve stress and send more oxygen to the blood, brain and muscles increasing your energy levels and mental performance. Never breathe through mouth. If possible, learn “Pranayam”
2: Drink Plenty of Water
Water is not only essential for rehydration but also leads to purified blood, glowing skin and healthy body tissues. Inadequate water leads to headaches and fatigue as also to dehydration which has serious health consequences. Sip water over time rather than gulping it down in large quantities.
3: Eat the Right Food
Inappropriate foods and poor eating habits can result in many diseases like diabetes, obesity etc. If you want to reduce weight by natural ways, you should control your eating habits and exercise regularly. Food needs are unique to one’s body. So, be attentive to what you eat and how these affect your overall health. Eat pure, fresh, whole, natural foods.
4: Exercise Regularly
Adequate physical and mental activity are significant for health and longevity. Walking and yoga are beneficial for all as they can be adapted according to individual needs. Exercising early in the day is best. Do not exercise on an empty stomach or immediately after meals.Such activities like gardening, music, teaching and volunteering are examples of activities that enrich you mentally as well as emotionally and spiritually.
5: Sleep Adequately
Learn to relax and take adequate sleep as it recharges mind and body for the next day. How much sleep do you need should be determined by yourself- eight hours sleep theory doesn’t fit for all. Quality sleep is what refreshes you. It is when your mind completely disengages from other senses. You can adopt many techniques for getting better sleep like a cup of lukewarm milk, deep breathing etc.



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Skin care becomes very important in winter due to the cold and dry weather that takes away the natural moisturizer off our skin. Here are some natural skin care in winter this time.
Tip # 1: In winter season people suffer from dry flaky skin, chapped lips and brittle hair. Never use hot water for bathing in winter. Use warm water. Too hot water will remove natural oils from skin leaving your skin dry and itchy.
Tip # 2: Pre-bath oil massage is very useful in winter season. Use coconut, almond or olive oil . Keep the oil on your body for 15-30minutes before shower. If your time schedule permits get a professional body massage done every 15days once at a spa.
Tip # 3: Always use mild soaps in winters.
Tip # 4: Special attention to your diet in winter is essential because body needs sufficient energy to fight off the cold and your skin needs natural moisturizing agents from within which is supplied by the food you eat. Include more soaked and blanched almonds, soaked walnuts, whole milk, fresh cheese and ghee in your daily diet. Drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed.
Tip # 5: You do not feel thirsty during winter but there is a constant loss of water from your body due to cold and dry air. So drink plenty of water in winters to keep your skin hydrated from within. Eat fruits and vegetables high in water content.